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Here are what previous visitors have written about my web site:

6/28/05 11:23:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Larry Williams - laurwllms@sbcglobal.net

Comments:I found out about the web site surfing the web. I will never forget Roy D Bishop, Greg Campbell and others.. We did not go to Nam, just trained with the Infantry in the hills around Ft Carson. I was a medic. I will never forget the 1/61st. Roadrunner sir.
Larry Williams (learch)- 1/61 Headquarter Headquarter Company 1972-1974

6/19/05 7:36:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Richard Carter - RCarter876@aol.com

Comments:I have been reading about Operation Rich on your web site. I didn't realize how extensive that battle was!
I was there! In First platoon A Co. It was A hell of A day. I have read your account And it puts the whole thing in A different light. Being on the ground you only get A small picture of what is really going on.
Thanks for your web site, its the best!
Spec 4 Richard Carter 4 Squad 3rd Platoon A CO 1/61

6/18/05 9:58:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Ronald Mackey - dianeschafer7@yahoo.com

Comments:My name is Ronald Mackey. I was with B Btry 5/4 Arty from 2/69 through 5/70, first at LZ Sandy then at Dong Ha. B Btry moved around to support operations but I can't remember all of the places.

6/12/05 1:40:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: D. Schafer - dianeschafer7@yahoo.com

Comments:Hi, I was stationed at Ft McClellan in 1968 and am looking for Jose Luis Perez who was also stationed there. He was in Infantry and went to Nam in late 68-69 and was from Puerto Rico.
Thanks... love your site.

6/10/05 9:32:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Gary K. Fox - kodi514@bellsouth.net

Comments:There is a picture of an officer reading something. The index stated it was Bob Neely. If, that is supposed to be the Bob Neely that took command of A 1/61 after Captain Gallagher was killed. I wish to disagree. I was the RTO for Neely from the day he took over A 1/61 until he left. That picture doesn't look anything like I remember Neely. I would like to here from whoever submitted the picture. I can be wrong, but I would still like to hear from whoever took that picture.
Gary K. Fox A 1/61 Aug 69 - Oct 70

6/8/05 11:22:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: ROGER E. THOMAS -RogVnam69@direcway.com


5/14/05 10:17:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Tom Memmer -tango_mike1@yahoo.com

Comments:My name is Tom Memmer. I was was in Vietnam 1968-69. Jim Vinciguerra was my best friend growing up in Akron Ohio. When I returned to the states Jim was in the army now. He was sent to Vietnam in August 1969. I never got to see him again. Jim was stationed near Quang Tri and I believe he was with the 61st Infantry, Company B. Jim was killed on January 25th, 1970. I never knew what had happened to him. We were so young then. If you or anyone that reads this might have know Jim or exactly what happened to him, please contact me.
Thanks for any help or direction. God Bless.

5/13/05 9:38:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: RONNIE DETTY -Dettyronnie@aol.com


4/20/05 8:49:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jim Powers -jimmy_powers@msn.com

Comments:My Name is Jim Powers, I was a medic in HHC 1/61 from 86 to 89 attached to all companies from HHC, Battalion Aid to the Scouts and Mortars and Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta Companies...My Platoon Sgt was SSgt Steveson until SFC Robertson got back from his Central American vacation (tour). I started in 1/61 driving a Gamma-Goat and eventually moved to a M113 until the CSM needed a driver during a NTC exercise and I was picked to drive him to a few meetings in the Gamma -Goat of all things....and they stuck me to it again after that...damn...seems I was the only one that new how to keep that damn thing running..
My favorite Company CO was "Dangerous Dan" from Alpha Co. that later was transferred to G-1 or G-2 working for the old man of Division. I learned how to SHAM correctly from Sgt. Johnny Steen...you will laugh if you know him...
Good job on the site and I will look in often....and by the way.....
Consider this an official coin challenge.... I still got my coin!

4/2/05 5:10:05 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jack C Stoddard -jscb@cox.net

Comments:How are you doing Jack, it's been a while since I've posted but I've just completed my second book, Fiddler's Green and I wanted to let the troops know they can order it from:
It's a great book about the heavenly place all cavalry troopers go when they die.
VP Blackhorse Assn.
CW2 Jack C Stoddard, USA, Ret.
If you ain't Cav, you ain't shit!

3/25/05 10:00:46 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Floyd Robertson -farclr@nts-online.net

Comments:I was with the 1/77 Armor from May 69 through April 70, and was CO of HHC from July 16 to Dec 6. I have been enjoying your website very much.
I have been trying to figure out the correct dates that the 1/77 Armor HHC moved as Task Force Hdqtrs from LZ Nancy to C-2, approx mid October 69. After a few weeks, we returned to LZ Nancy, packed up the whole thing, and moved to QTCB, recently vacated by the Marines. Then, approx Dec 1, the Hdqtrs again moved to C-2 and stayed there until approx mid January 70.
If you don't mind, I would like to show you a couple of things that need correction or update:
1) http://one-six-one.fifthinfantrydivision.com/161pg10.htm Appendix 10-3, link to web site for Duster Specs, does not work. (note: Fixed)
2) http://one-six-one.fifthinfantrydivision.com/161pg7.htm Fifth line down refers to water point on the Cam Lo Rover. Typo, should be river. (note: Fixed)
3) http://one-six-one.fifthinfantrydivision.com/nancy412.htm A typo in the text refers to A Trp 4/12 CAV as A Trp 4th Squadron 5th CAV. (note: Fixed)
This is by no means meant to be critical, as small errors are bound to happen, and I figured you might want to fix them. (note: Too true, thanks.)
Thanks very much for all your efforts.
Floyd Robertson
Lubbock TX

3/24/05 10:22:51 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Bruce B. Haire -cwr@cox-internet.com

Comments:Bruce B. Haire, Jun 69-70, Viet Nam, B 1/61

3/23/05 11:10:01 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: John Bradley - terrace65@hotmail.com

Comments:Just been browsing through your site and found it to be excellent. I can see you put a lot of hard work into this project. The map and related pictures is an easy way of "walking" through the 1/5 AO.
Again, very good site.
John Bradley
Platoon Leader, MP Platoon, Quang Tri Combat Base
1/5 Mech 1970-71

3/22/05 11:01:40 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Randy Book -RBOOK@sc.rr.com

Comments:Great site, stumbled upon it while surfing different unit sites. I served with the "Road Runners" from 1983-1985. I was initially assigned to B Co. as a Platoon Sgt then transferred to D Co. when it was constituted and was acting 1SGT. CO was Cpt Cook. SFC (later 1SGT) Johnson was 1SGT of B Co. Saw couple of people I remember in your pics, i.e. Sgt Cox, Commo Chief and Lt Cross, my Plt Ldr. About 3 months after constitution, a fag 11C E-7 from the armored unit named Shorter made E-8 and found out I was a rookie E-7 and took over the company. My platoon was attached to the treadheads for NTC and after we returned, I became the S-4 NCOIC. The sorry assed Bn Cmder was Randy House, the fag made a couple of stars, guess anybody can make it. I retired as 1SG of D Co. 1/327 101st ABN.
Will stay in touch.
Randy Book

3/22/05 7:18:34 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Tom Loehr -t.loehr@sbcglobal.net

Comments:Does anyone have an aerial photo or a map of LZ Nancy, circa 1969-70?

3/21/05 2:16:11 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Marty Hauser -Mhauser@WashingtonIron.com

Comments:Hey Guys,
Great site. Havn't looked at everything yet, but will get to it.
I served with the 8/4th Arty on FSB C2 in 1970. The 5th Mech was just north of us as you entered the base coming from Cam Lo.
I'm looking for the mechanics that were with the 5th Mech at the time. Hope they are on your site.
Marty Hauser
Track Mech
8/4th arty 19760

3/14/05 5:03:57 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Allen W. Jeffus -awjeffus@cox.net

Comments:Thanx for notifying me of the website (thru Dick Bernard). I was stationed at Fort Carson from September '61, until March, '63. After basic and AIT at Ft. Carson, I was sent to the 1st /61st. My memory is somewhat hazy, but I believe Dick Bernard was our Company Clerk after Len Stefano got out. I ran around with Jerry Moss, David Lee, Pete Rush, and Richard Westberg. In March, '63, I was sent to Camp Hovey, Korea, and was discharged in September, 1963. Several of my friends in Korea, volunteered to go to Vietnam. Some did not come back.
I returned to college for my final year, graduating in 1965. I taught English and coached 9th grade football, at Sacramento Senior High School, attended Law School at night. Moving to San Diego, CA, in 1972, I opened a law office, which grew to 5 attornies and 3 associates. The firm was in General Trial Practice. In June, 1988, on a visit to my home state, Kansas, I reconnected with an old flame from High School. We were married in October, 1999, after which I sold my interest in my firm, and moved, permanently, to Topeka, KS. to be near my grandchildren, who live in Hays, KS. My son is 46, one grandson is 16, and another is 7.
I have deep emotions for those who served in Vietnam. A visit to the Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C., was one of the most moving experiences I've had. Using the guide, I searched for and found names of soldiers I knew who were killed in that conflict. I cried, but, basically, I was angry. If our damned politicians would have to fight the Koreas, and Vietnams, we wouldn't have war.
God bless and thank you again.
3700 SW Spring Creek Lane
Topeka, KS 66610
(785) 272-4849 home
(785) 272-2230 FAX.

3/5/05 1:06:34 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jay Cox - yajxo@yahoo.com

Comments:Just stumbled on to your site from a Google entry. You can't imagine how surprised I was to go to your thumbnails of Ft. Polk and see pictures of people that I served with and then I spotted two of myself. What a trip down memory lane that was. Thanks for covering so much of the 1/61 that I remember.
Served 1/61 Company C and then Delta company as Commo SGT when it was first (re)activated. Arrived 11/81, Departed 05/84. Desert Raider I and II and a bunch of others in between. I Remember NBC training with PFC Balabon and served under SGT Rodgers and Captain Cook.
Much has happened since but 1/61 and the people that I served with will always be fond memories. Especially that crazy Griffin.
Jay Cox, Fairfield, Ohio

2/23/05 11:24:40 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Tom Loehr- tom.loehr@hp.com

Comments:I served with the 1/77 Armor in the 4.2 mortar platoon from June 69 through December 70, the first year on a gun crew and the last 6 months as an FO for Charlie Co. 2/34 Armor (attached from the 25th Inf Div.), 1/77 Recon and other elements of the 1/5. While going through my scrapbook I found a few choice pics of A-4 and C-2 along with the 4.2 mortar pits in Quang Tri Combat Base (Red Devil). For those of who were there at that time in the 1/61 HHC mortar platoon, we have a lot of common dirt under our nails.
Tom Loehr
Technical Analyst
Americas Operations Bridge
Voice Operations Services
Phone: 281-92-PHONE
Fax: 281-927-9444

2/16/05 4:16:53 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Daniel Fraser - rpyles1@tampabay.rr.com

Comments:Daniel Fraser CO. A 1ST. QM. BN. 1ST.A.D. (OLD IRONSIDES) 1957 TO 1958.
3035 66TH. AVE. N.
TELL.727 526 0335

2/14/05 10:43:43 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Tim Botts - t_bo_ram@hotmail.com

Comments:Just stopped in to say howdy to everybody and WELCOME HOME! It was a pleasure working with you guys. Lots of memories, good and bad.
Tim Botts


2/9/05 10:43:43 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: John Howell - jchowell@hartmanhowell.com

Comments:My email has changed from john@ to jchowell@hartmanhowell.com. Did not see spot to edit on the web site.
John Howell.

2/2/05 4:09:28 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Dick Bernard - dick@chez-nous.net

Comments:I happened across your site via search engine.
I was part of Co C as a draftee in 1962-63 at Ft. Carson. This was early Vietnam-era, and at the time, I remember one of our staff sergeants, Batten, actively seeking duty in Saigon. He'd heard it was good duty.
I've often wondered if the company ever went to Vietnam, and where it served.
I was company clerk in C company. We were near the far end of the base (away from Colo Springs), in the original wooden barracks.
Thanks for your work.
Dick Bernard
Woodbury MN 55125-2421

1/24/05 9:47:46 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Merle Flynn - flynns@up.net

Comments:I served with Co B, 102 Inf Regt. 1952 to 1954 till it became Co B 11th Regt. 5 Inf.Division. I served in B/11/5th Div until 1955 when I came back to the States. I just wonder if there are any old timers around from that time. If anybody from back then sees this I would like to hear from them.

12/14/04 12:24:40 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Ronnie Nugent - rcnugent@nts-online.net

Comments:Name, Ronnie Nugent , year 1964, 3rd BN 37th Armor Div, 4.2 mortar platoon Crailsheim, Germany. I would appreciate you posting this on your web site. Ret SMSGT USAF Ronnie Nugent. As you can see I switched branches of the service and became a F-4 aircraft Crew Chief. Hopefully this will help me locate some of my old Army buddy's.

12/13/04 5:14:29 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Frank Dean - deano1190@msn.com

Comments:My name is Frank Dean and I served in Nam from 12-68 to 12-69, HHC 1/77. I was hoping maybe I could find anyone that I served with. I do remember Ronald Hunt, and SSG Robert Lyons. Do you know if we have any reunions or not? Any info would help.
Thanks and Welcome Home,
SGT Frank E. Dean.

12/4/04 4:06:58 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: GARY L BROWN - Nananancy625@aol.com


11/28/04 6:15:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Larry Rowe - larryrowe@cinci.rr.com

Comments:Thanks for the very very good web site.
I was Recon Sgt. for C Btry 5/4 assigned to C Company 1/77 Armor and was in the initial deployment 'old timer' group :)
I "enjoyed so to speak" working with the 1/61 at the Market Place, North West of Con Thien in Sept. 68 and during Task Force Remagen along the Laos border and Xe Pon river operations.
I also had the privilege of spending many a night on outpost duty with nothing but a squad of 1/61 and a radio to keep me company.
I remember walking in with you guys on an operation west of Wunder Beach, spending the night in a bombed out church and helping medi-vac a 1/61 infantryman after an unfortunate encounter with a land mine.
Some 1/77 and C Btry 5/4 operational pictures I've supplied to charlie54FA@cs.com: can be seen at http://ourworld.cs.com/charlie54fa/id96.htm?f=fs.
Best wishes.
Larry Albert Rowe

11/25/04 10:52:47 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Mike Shearer - station62a@yahoo.com

Comments:Hi, my name is Mike Shearer, I was a "remf" at the "TOC" in Quang Tri, 1970 to 1971. I have pic's and even a newspaper all about "Lom Som 719", Red Devil Brigade Souvenir Issue...(Will send to you.)

11/15/04 9:31:56 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Donald K. Drumheller - iamsmrt24@comcast.net

Comments:Just wanted to give you my name as a sign-in for your log book as follows:
Donald K. Drumheller, West Grove, Pa.
My Dad was in the USN in 1943, Rank: MM first Class, Philippians tour, & I have a son stationed now at Fort Jackson.
Keep up the fine site!

11/12/04 7:29:21 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Mike Friberg - Jmfriberg@aol.com

Comments:Served 7/1969 to 10/1970. I was in the 1st Bn 61st Infantry, Companys A, C & D. We were located out of forward Firebase Charlie 2 & Alpha 4. Also at Dong Ha and Khe Sanh.

11/3/04 2:57:15 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Al McKenzie - Alph1948@webtv.net

Comments:Departed Ft.Carson early Aug. 68 in the last three planes.The last nite in Carson we raised pure hell, MPs confined us to the barracks.
Assigned to Co. A when they were at Quang Tri not far from 18th Surgical Hosp. On my day of arrival the ammo dump was hit. With the company during those early days in nam, reassign to 101st after the battle in the DMZ (some weeks later).
Remembered those bunker rats at A4 (named those in my bunker "Mitch Miller and Gang ). Other memeorable places like LZ Sharon, Cam Lo, Dong Ha, Cua Viet.
To get in contact with me write to the following address: 517 East 87th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60619, or by email.

10/30/04 2:20:47 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jimmy Trestrail - SilverSandWolf@aol.com

Comments:5th Mech out of Fort Carson. Shipped to Vietnam in Aug.1968.
All I can remember is Company A 1/61. My first base was A-1 on the DMZ, then LZ Tomestone out in the sand dunes and LZ Nancy, a few more but I can't remember all of them.

10/26/04 1:12:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: John Warner - Weebler@aol.com

Comments:John Warner 1/61 C company 1/5 Vietnam Sept 70 July 71. Home base Quang Tri. Rode in an APC. Mortarman and 11 Bravo.

10/19/04 12:21:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Terry Johnson - tjjbighap@yahoo.com

Comments:Hello, My name is Terry Johnson, and I was a forward observer (E-4) with 2Plt. C-Trp. 3/5 Cav. before, during, and after Lam-Son. I want to forward a story to you in the form of a reply you might find interesting. (Web Master note: See A Day on the Road at VOICES.)
Terry Johnson

10/14/04 11:51:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Wayne Cumer - wcumer@aol.com

Comments:My name is Wayne Cumer. I served in the Recon Platoon, Headquarters Company, First of the Sixtyfirst from April 1968 until November 1968. I was known as 13 Whiskey Charlie. I was on track number 13 with Dave Tribbey, Paul Taylor, and Jim Benson.
I really enjoyed you web site, and would like to hear from the guys I had the honor of serving with. I'm at wcumer@aol.com.
Thank you

10/3/04 10:50:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: G. Daland Webb - dalandwebb@adelphia.net

Comments:I was at Wunder Beach when the 5th Mech units landed. The recall I have of this "green" unit from the States is not a good one. When the 5th left the beach, a lot of stuff that they did not want to carry was left behind including rounds of ammo that had to be disposed of. Upon setting up base west of Quang Tri, a unit of the 5th was badly hit before setting up a defensive perimeter.
Hopefully the 5th learned to be an effective unit from some very harsh "lessons learned".
G. Daland Webb
BN S-2
14th Combat Eng. Bn

10/2/04 11:30:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Deneane Magliano - dkmrda@adelphia.net

Comments:Please help me locate fellow Marines who served with my Uncle in Vietnam. He doesn't have a computer so I would love to do this for him. The info I have is this.
Name: Billie Dean Hale - Rank: LCpl. - MOS 3531 - Unit: B co. 3rd Motor T. 3rd Mar. Div. (The Fighting Third) - Quang Tri, Vietnam - 1968-1969
If you can direct me or provide me some advise I would deeply appreciate it. Thank you for your time and effort.

10/1/04 8:37:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Raymond J. Mendola - raymond.mendola@pb.com

Comments:Raymond J. Mendola Rank Sgt. E-5 DOR Sept. 6, 1969 SERIAL NUMBER RA 11826110
5th Mech. 1st BN. 61 INF. Reg. CO. B 3rd plt. 3rd sqd. Sept. 23, 1968 to Sept. 16, 1969
Hello to all Diamonds in the ROUGH !

9/8/04 5:40:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Paul Ferrell - PaulF@OIC.WA.GOV

Comments:I think it is outstanding to know that 1/61 has a site! I was in B Company from 1986 to 1993 when I got out at Fort Hood.
I just discovered the site and can't wait to spend more time looking through it.

Paul Ferrell
Office of Insurance Commissioner - Operations
Human Resource Consultant Assistant
Phone: 360.725.7011 Fax: 360.586.1223

9/6/04 8:25:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Steven Terhune - Fyerflii@aol.com

Comments:My dad, Steven Terhune was in a band called the Roadrunners and his father was in the Air Force in a camp called "Birkenfeld". I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this band?
Please mail me if you have!!

9/6/04 1:10:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: George Perkins - george_p20@yahoo.com

Comments:I wanted to enter my father into the log. I don't have all the info, but here's what I know:
Name: Glenn Perkins
Branch: USAF rank : Capt.
Navagator/Bombadier while in NKP he was flying C 123s. He was there for a year around 69 to 70.

George Perkins

7/13/04 11:23:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Don Eyerly - EyerlyRace21@msn.com

Comments:I need the new email address for Randy Jones. He moved in the last couple of weeks and said he would email me back about writing a letter for my Veterans claim.
Randy if you read this, please email me at eyerlyrace21@msn.com.
Thanks for all the help.
Don Eyerly

7/6/04 8:21:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Carl Hill - Carl.Hill@noveoninc.com

Comments: Hello, my name is Carl Hill. I recently joined the Society of the Fifth; I was with HHC, Recon Platoon 1/61 from the time we left Fort Carson until 11 July 1969. You have an outstanding web site and I have visited it often. It's great to hear (read about) from so many different people that were there. Thanks again.

6/22/04 1:50:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Anthony Gumbrell - tonygumbrell@msn.com

Comments: Anthony Gumbrell - Co A 1/11th Inf. Operations at A4, FSB Fuller & elsewhere in Quang Tri Provence.

5/31/04 1:00:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Blair Patterson - blair113@comcast.net

Comments: Hey, Happy Memorial Day.
I'm Blair Patterson and served in Viet Nam with D Co. 1/77 Armor from July 1968 to January 1969. I was the Supply Sgt and known as Sgt. Pat or just Pat.
Nice site you have, keep up the good work.

5/29/04 4:36:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Richard Lemay - poorrepublican@buckeye-express.com


5/27/04 10:20:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Bill Christianson - billnjo@dwave.net

Comments: Welcome Home! I served with Co C 1/77 AR Jul 70 to Jul 71. We worked with 1/61 many times around the Rock Pile and Keh San and everywhere in between. I have some photos of 1/61 thowing morters from inside our NDP. Does anyone remember a PC catching on fire near the Old French Road? It was sitting in the middle of the NDP and a trip flare got popped inside. It was quite a show for the afternoon.
Bill Christianson

5/14/04 10:37:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Not Given - Alandmin5@aol.com

Comments: GREAT SITE! The "Week of Eagles" is upon us. D Co 1/501st Inf, 101st Abn Div - TEN HUT!

5/3/04 3:14:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Bill McKinley - mack6231@bellsouth.net

Comments: My E-mail has changed. My new E-Mail is mack6231@bellsouth.net
I have just found this site,again, while looking for Brothers of the Nam. I served with B Co.1/61, 5th Inf. Div. from Feb. 1968 at Ft. Carson and ETS'D out of service Dec.12, 1968. I drove a track for Lt. Heath and went by the call sign 2-6 Delta Hotel. I have been in contact with other "Boy's from Company B".
Bill (Willie) McKinley

5/1/04 8:14:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Eric Mansuy - emdv@wanadoo.fr

Comments: Dear Madam, Sir,
I'm gathering material regarding the 5th Division so as to write an article on its involvement at Frapelle (Vosges, northeastern France) from August 17 to August 20, 1918. The sources I already own are the "Official History of the 5th Division" and Rexmond Cochrane's "The 5th Division captures Frapelle".
What I'd like to get is primary or published sources such as diaries or correspondences of doughboys of the 5th Division in which the attack on Frapelle is mentioned, as well as lists of the men who were killed in action in the attack, men who were awarded honors, newspaper clippings dealing with this attack, etc. I hope you can help me so that I'll be able to publish this article in 2005.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help,
Best regards from the Vosges,
Eric Mansuy

4/26/04 10:42:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Larry Johnson - topkick30@cox.net

Comments: Great Site!
My name is Larry Johnson (1SG retired) and I am trying to help a soldier with a VA claim. He was in B Btry 5/4th FA from Jul 68-Aug 69, his last name is Buffkin. Buffkin has severe memory problems and I am trying to help him with info for the PTSD claim. I need information from anyone that was in B Btry during the 69 TET when the troops could not fire because of no fire restriction and around May 69 when something happen in B Btry at LZ Sandy, Hai Lang? Also any information on B Btry while at Operation Lam Som 719, or Dong Ha CB I believe you unit also at LZ Jane.
I don't know what action took place during this time, but anything you can tell me that would help Buffkin with his claim would be appreciated. Any information on casualties also.
Thank You
Larry Johnson(1SG Retired)

4/20/04 8:11:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Frank Suber - frank.suber@sbcglobal.net

Comments: I just found your website during some free time at work. I was a member of Co A 1/61 INF from September 1972 through July 1974. The unit was at Fort Carson during the reorganization. At the time I had just completed Basic Combat Training and reported to Fort Carson for a guaranteed period of sixteen months.
The 1/61 Infantry Battalion was my first unit and I can honestly say after twenty years of service in the army, it was the best unit I ever belonged to. Often times, I think of those young men who had just returned from Vietnam who worked as our cadre as we completed our 11 series MOS training with the 1/61 Infantry. I didn't understand what they had been through before they reported to Fort Carson, but now I believe I understand it all too well.
I would like to hear from anyone who was in the 1/61 at that time. Best wishes to all of those soldiers.
Frank Suber
Sparks, Nevada

4/19/04 8:45:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Larry Hadzima - marylary@tds.net

Comments: Greetings:
I was the S-5 NCO for the 1/61 in 1968. I rambled all over Quang Tri province with my 3/4 ton truck. Looking for anyone who may recall those 'fun' times.
Larry Hadzima
Neillsville, Wisconsin

4/6/04 1:14:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Glenn A Grago - djsdf1@adelphia.net

Comments: I was in Wildflecken in 1963-65. B Btry, 6th MSL BN, 562th Arty. Hawk Msl. I am looking for members of my Btry. Top of the rock, next to the Fulda Gap.
Thank you !
SGT Glenn A Grago

3/23/04 9:17:58 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jimmie Spiller - Spiller612@msn.com

Comments: Hey, 1/61 troopers,
I recently met a 1/61 Vietnam veteran you may not know about. He's SGT Ronald Chambless, SN 67041923, who was LTC Wheeler's driver for a while. He deployed with the brigade from Fort Carson. He's now living in the nursing unit of the Martinsburg, WV, VA Medical Center. A gospel quartet I sing with recently did a program there during National Hospitalized Veterans Week and Ron was in the audience. He saw my 1/77 Armor hat and came up to meet me. I was really pleased to find a fellow Red Devil, and especially one who may have dropped through the cracks of being identified and contacted as one of yours. He didn't seem to know about our reunions.
Ron didn't mention e-mail although he may have access to such there at the center. His snail mail address is Martinsburg WV VA Medical Center, Attn: Nursing Home Unit, 510 Butler Ave., Martinsburg, WV 25401-9990. I'm sure he'd be delighted to hear from any 1/61 buddies.
You've got a great website! Keep up the good work!
Jim Spiller
Chaplain, USA Retired
1/77 Armor

3/21/04 12:34:26 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Bill Benefield - butch19@pldi.net

Comments: I was in Service Battery 5/4 Arty. The battalion started an Arty Recon Team called Deathwatch 5/4. I was a young SGT then and joined it. My callsign was Deathwatch Delta. We even wore a special Deathwatch patch. Would very much like to make contact with anyone that remembers the Deathwatch teams or was in the 5/4 Arty.

3/21/04 12:15:47 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Don Eyerly - EyerlyRace21@msn.com

Comments: Just need to have the guy that emailed me to email me again. I lost the email. It was from a guy that was the warrant officer that transferred me to the field unit. I need to talk with him.
Don Eyerly

3/19/04 6:58:01 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: unknown - ANCOCSSGL@AOL.COM

Comments: Great Site!! I was with 1-61st Roadrunners at Fort Polk, LA from Nov 82 - June 84. I loved working with my Infantry brothers. I have just completed 20 years of service with a 2 1/2 break in service. Thanks 1-61st!!

3/18/04 10:37:49 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Ira C McQuinn, Jr - retusa@comcast.net

Comments: I was with Co A 7th Engr Bn (C). I joined the unit at Fort Carson CO and went to Viet Nam with them. I'm trying to get on to that web site or in contact with a member of that unit. I have enjoyed the 1/61st web site and I was able to get somethings to put in my scrapbook on my military service.
My e-mail address is (retusa@comcast.net). I live in Woodbridge, Virginia after retiring with 24 years in the Army.
Thanks A Lot
SFC (Ret) Ira C. McQuinn, Jr

3/10/04 4:27:07 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jerry Abramson - jeabrr@hotmail.com

Comments: Recon HHC 1/61 Inf. 5th Division - Served in Vietnam from July 1968 to July 1969. I was an M113 driver with the Recon Plt during the entire tour.
Email address is jeabrr@hotmail.com

3/5/04 9:42:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Calvin Lee Campbell - lrcamp@bellsouth.net

Comments: Calvin Lee Campbell - D/1/61 - June 69 - June 70

2/25/04 4:16:40 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jack Scogin - jmscogin@aol.com

Comments: Updated email address. jmscogin@aol.com
Jack B. Scogin
Star Digital
Logistics Analyst
210 221-7868 VOICE
210 365-2746 CELL
DSN 471-7868
210 221-7122 FAX

2/25/04 1:49:49 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Steve Wood - steve331@bristolelder.org

Comments: Just bumped into your site, nice job. 1st Plt A Co 1/61 and Recon 1/61 from Nov 69 to Jun 70
Steve Wood - LTC Ret

2/24/04 9:00:46 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Shelton E. Hall - Shelton e hall@aol.com

Comments: I served with the 5th from December 1967 to July 1969

Entry of 2/20/04 9:27:37 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Gary K. Fox - kodi514@bellsouth.net

Comments: I received an invitation in the mail today to join the Society. I got on the page and what memories it brought back.
I have subcribed to the Vietnam Magazine for years and every time I took it out of the mail box I looked to see if there was anything in it about our unit. And, I always went right to the inquiries to see if there was some one I knew, so I could contact them.
I got this today and as soon as I got on the page, such emotion ran through my body. I was there on that ridge the 13th of Nov 1969. I was there with Captain Robert P. Gallagher. So many times I have thought about him and his family. I was his RTO and I couldn't have asked for a better CO. When I read the action report, I began living that night all over. We lost a commander that cared about us and everything he did was to try to keep us alive to come home to our families. Lt. Kevin McGrath was the FO that took over after Capt. Gallagher was killed. Another fine individual. I wish I knew if he got back home.
There is a picture on the page and someone said they think it is Bob Neely. Capt Robert Neely replaced Capt Gallagher the morning after the battle was over. He could never fill Capt. Gallagher's shoes. He didn't care about his troops. He only wanted body counts and because of his stupidity and pride we needlessly lost more of our friends.
I was there when he arrived at A Co. and there when he left. The picture is that clear for me to say it is for sure him.
Thank you so very much.
Gary K. Fox
A. Co. 1/61
Aug 69-Oct 70

Entry of 2/13/04 10:08:21 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Tom Wilds - fish3cb@msn.com

Comments: Remember some of working w/1/61 while w/ 1/77 armor (70-71). Memory is not real good. Good website.
From Salem, Oregon.
Welcome home everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry of 2/8/04 1:56:04 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Paddy Garrigan - garrigan@netcon.net.au

Comments: Thanks for the site. Very Interesting. Found my fathers name - WO2 John Garrigan AATTV. It's great to see you recognise allied soldiers. I know very little about what he did in Vietnam, therefore any information would be much appreciated. I can be contacted at garrigan@netcon.net.au
Paddy Garrigan

Entry of 2/4/04 11:04:15 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Don Eyerly - EyerlyRace21@msn.com

Comments: I served in Vietnam during 70-71 with 1/61 5th Division A company. I'm looking for anyone that would remember me during that time. I was in the field and we hit a land mine that sent my APC driver home. I'm trying to gather information so I can file a claim. They say I have to have names and statements to state that I was really there. I was listed as a diesel mechanic, but spent all my time in the field with my bravo brothers. I'm from Salem, Oregon. Please email me if you know me. I have lots of photos,(see them at my business web site )but can't remember any names. All help is appreciated.
Thank You,
Don Eyerly

Entry of 2/4/04 3:07:35 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Ted Nordin - tnordin@cox.net

Comments: Col Jack, many kudos and thanks for getting the site back up. I am looking forward to meeting you again whenever that may be. Because of this site, the original Flame Platoon has been able to connect in a small way. Last year on 24 July, by coincidence exactly 35 yrs to the day we left Carson, 5 of us meet in Colo Spgs. It was absolutely wonderful to meet again with Sgts Bud Rhea, Lee Johnson, Garcia Moore & Ken Nueberger. We will find the rest of the platoon and can only thank you for helping us get started. Hang in there,

Entry of 2/3/04 4:24:32 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Humberto Garcia - sbsgar@aol.com

Comments: I need your help in locating some old army friends from B-Btry 5/4 FA, that went to Viet Nam with the 5th Inf Div, 68-69. I was the Gun Chief on the 3rd Gun (base piece) from Ft. Carson Colo to Vietnam.
SFC(Ret) Humberto Garcia, sbsgar@aol.com
Thanks for your help

Entry of 2/1/04 2:27:53 AM Eastern Standard TimeA NAME="df535">
From: Peter Holter-Mehren - buffeagle@plix.com

Comments: I look at this log fairly often, am happy to see some new entries.
35 years later and I am just now trying to explain to the VA that yes, I really did see some combat, even though I was just Special Services guy, from HHC, 75th Support Bn, 1st of the 5th. But hey, how did we get those movies out there to those locations away from Camp Red Devil? Who brought those meaningful/meaningless entertainment shows out to a few firebases? How did we get those library books, pool tables and other recreation equipment up to Camp Red Devil in late 68 and early 69. I feel like I was a wanderer; many of you were in a specific company, within a specific place, but how do I relate what I saw and experienced in a job that placed me many times in your midst, yet was easily overlooked? How can I explain that as a trained 11 Bravo, my then current status as a rec. specialist and further on a rec. supervisor, were many days superseded in favor of helping my brothers in the field, and how many of my nights were spent pulling time on the perimeter of wherever I was? I am truly lost in this dilemma brothers, if anyone knew me or benefited from the services we provided, I would appreciate a response.
Peter Mehren

Entry of 1/29/04 1:33:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Randy Jones - randy@aircanopy.net

Comments: Jack, many thanks for getting the site back on.
Note my new email address.
Randy Jones, A Co 1/61st 70-71

Entry of 1/24/04 6:35:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: THOMAS C. FEENEY - bushwacker106@hotmail.com

Comments: I was there. SSGT THOMAS C. FEENEY B trp 3/5th 9th INFRANTY 1967

Entry of 1/20/04 4:02:04 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Alan Ogawa - OGAWAA002@hawaii.rr.com

Comments: I was with 1/61 C Co 3rd platoon 1968 and 2nd 1969. I went over with the 5th Division from Fort Carson to Vietnam in 1968. I live in Hawaii and am looking for anyone who served with me. My name is Alan Ogawa and e-mail is OgawaA002@Hawaii.rr.com

Entry of 1/15/04 6:59:49 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Alan Ogawa - OGAWAA002@hawaii.rr.com

Comments: I went over to Nam in 1968 from Fort Carson. I was with1/61 C Company 3rd Platoon and later was in 2nd Platoon. I spent my whole tour in the DMZ.

Entry of 1/6/04 9:15:26 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Howard Paul - HOWARDPAUL@AOL.COM

Web Site: Seven Strings Jazz
Comments: From a former REMF of a different generation (once served with the 1/61 website caretaker's son - who is now a Colonel). It has been both a fine history lesson and an honor to visit with the 1/61. This is a great website, and I am very happy to see it up and running again.

Entry of 1/5/04 2:15:16 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jerry DiGrezio - jerrydi@hotmail.com

Comments: Nice job on the Web site...
Best wishes BROTHER....
Jerry DiGrezio
Catkiller 3
Vietnam 1970

Entry of 12/31/03 9:39:42 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Danny Mathers - mathersdl@shtc.net

Comments: B Company 161 Inf 3rd Plt Wpn Sqd.
Just wanted to wish the Brotherhood a Happy New Year. May old wounds heal and hearts be merry.
God Bless the Boys!

Entry of 12/25/03 4:14:10 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jerry Oliver - jerryo@mchsi.com

Comments: A Company 161 Inf 1st Plt.
I was in nam from June 69 till June70, I drove track 1/4.
Glad your site is back up.
Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Entry of 12/11/03 12:23:51 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Tom Thibeault - Ptp009@AOL.COM

Comments: Hi, I was Medic with the C Company 1/77 Armor who worked along side you guys in Vietnam. I served as medic and on April 1, 1970 a hill was taken by you guys near the DMZ and I ran up the hill and relieved a medic who had a causulty and let him go to his group. Anyone remember the incident on April 1, 2, 3?

Entry of 10/10/03 10:46:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Faye Sizemore - fray68@yahoo.com

Web Site: Heart Verses of Faye Sizemore
How I found your page: A friend told me
Comments about the web site: It`s very informative and the reunion pictures are great!!I Will be back to learn more.

Entry of Apr 08, 2003 at 22:30 [EST]
From: tom dodge - tdodge34354@hotmail.com

How I found your page: A friend told me
Comments about the web site: great!
Notify me when changed: No

Entry of Feb 28, 2003 at 11:30 [EST]
From: Sgt. Andrew J. Tenczar III - Andrew.Tenczar@usarec.army.mil

How I found your page: From a search engine
Comments about the web site: Very good site. Need more material from the 80's when I was there.Unfortunately I lost everything I had of this time in a fire a long time ago.By the way. I was stationed at Ft. Polk Sep. 80 thru Jun. 81. Assigned to CSC 1/61 as a 11H.
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 22, 2003 at 21:59 [EST]
From: Gordon Yeomans - yeomansg@msn.com

How I found your page: From a search engine
Comments about the web site: Second all expense payed tour to the tropical paradise of Southeast Asia was with Co B 1/61 from July 68- July 69. Looking for other men from B Co. Rember any day above ground is a great day.
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 21, 2003 at 09:45 [EST]
From: 77th Armor Assoc. Historian -(No address given)

How I found your page: From a search engine
Comments about the web site: I would like to speak with guys from B-1/61 Sept 1968 time frame. We are now in the process of compiling information to write the 77th Tank Regiments oral history. Call after 6pm 845-255-0815 (New York #) Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Robert Rushforth

Notify me when changed: No

Entry of Feb 20, 2003 at 19:05 [EST]
From: Tim Hurley - timothy.hurley4@verizon.net

How I found your page: Other
Comments about the web site: Been here before. Change of e-mail. Bravo Mortar Platoon from Oct 69-Oct 70. Would like to hear from all members of Alpha company who saved our asses that night in November. I would like to thank everyone of them. Again ,Col. Jack it was an honor to serve under you.
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 20, 2003 at 17:34 [EST]
From: Baron J. Foster - BaronJFoster@msn.com

How I found your page: Link from another web page
Comments about the web site: "C" Co. 1/61 - 5th ID Operation "NIMROD DANCER" Polk 2 Panama (P2P)
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 18, 2003 at 10:43 [EST]
From: Amadito G Segura - agsegura@msn.com

How I found your page: A friend told me
Comments about the web site: B Co 1/61 Ft Polk 75-76
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 18, 2003 at 10:42 [EST]
From: Amadito G Segura - agsegura@msn.com

How I found your page: A friend told me
Comments about the web site: C Co 1/61 RVN 69-70
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 17, 2003 at 14:12 [EST]
From: Hall Buford L - dora_hall@yahoo.com

How I found your page: Link from another web page
Comments about the web site: I did enjoy the site, it brought back many memories. I was with 1/5/1/61/M-Co A Feb.70-Dec 70.
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 13, 2003 at 11:35 [EST]
From: Bill Perreten - whitetaildeer27@aol.com

How I found your page: Link from another web page
Comments about the web site: I was with A Co 1/61, 1st Platoon. Would like to hear from others who served with Co A, Aug 69 - Aug 70.
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 11, 2003 at 11:45 [EST]
From: Gene Henderson - res1pcnn@verizon.net

How I found your page: Other
Comments about the web site: Viet Nam 1970-1971, D Company 1/61 and 5/4 Artillery.
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 10, 2003 at 20:54 [EST]
From: Joel Williams (Doc) - epgorge@vermontel.net

How I found your page: Does it matter?
Comments about the web site: Great! Thanks! I was looking for some buddies. I was part of the rebuild in 1972 in Fort Carson. I was trying to find out about Sgt Stevenson, who highly decorated for saving the only remaining members of his platoon.
Joel Williams, SP4 Medic

Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 4, 2003 at 09:57 [EST]
From: Amadito Segura - agsegura@msn.com

How I found your page: Guess ;)
Comments about the web site: One of the original 14 when the 5th was activated at Ft Polk, La. B Co 1-61
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 3, 2003 at 11:26 [EST]
From:Amadito Segura - agsegura@msn.com

How I found your page: Link from another web page
Comments about the web site: C Co 1-61 Third Platoon
Notify me when changed: Yes

Entry of Feb 1, 2003 at 16:32 [EST]

How I found your page: From a search engine
Notify me when changed: Yes