11 November, 1918 thru September, 1921

(LEFT) Guard Duty Along the Rhine River.

        (RIGHT) American Troops Enter Luxembourg

The 61st Regiment as part of the 5th Division remained in Europe as part of the Army of Occupation. On the 22d of November, 1918, the Fifth DIV was detached from the VII CORPS and attached directly to THIRD ARMY which had been designated the ARMY OF OCCUPATION. Given the mission of protecting the Lines of Communication (LOC) the 5th DIV stationed its units in France, Luxembourg and Germany. The 61st had units in all three countries. On the 24th of December 1918 the 5th DIV was re-assigned to the American SECOND ARMY and was no longer part of the ARMY OF OCCUPATION. With this assignment the 5th DIV, along with the 33rd DIV, was stationed in Luxembourg. Although rebuilding and reconstruction were the main tasks, organized competitive sports, liberal leave and travel policies, and formal school systems were instituted for all units. The 61st REGT now a shadow of its former self (companies the size of platoons) remained in Luxembourg until it returned to Camp Jackson, SC, during July of 1919. There, on 2 September 1921, it was inactivated.
The below picture was taken shortly after war's end.

Sgt Earl Billingsly, 61st Regt, receives THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS for his actions near Dun-Sur-Meuse, France.
A total of 20 DSC medals were earned by members of the 61st Regiment during the "Great War".