The LRS Detachment was made up of 50 men, all airborne qualified and authorized to wear the red beret. Each LRS Team consisted of six troopers with the mission of deep (up to 80 K behind enemy lines) surveillance of enemy operations. The teams used DMDG AM digital burst radios (ultra secure and very hard to locate) for communication with their base station.
In Panama the mission for the LRS Teams was never clear at the troop level. They pulled some patrols around Empire Range and later were deployed in three man teams as "Snipers". Of course not real snipers because they were armed with the M16 and had no real targets. When the 4/6 Infantry replaced the 5/6 Infantry the Team was returned to Ft Polk and not replaced due to the lack of a true LRS mission.
The team included, among others, Joshua King seen here on the left and PFC Reyes with the M 16. They are watching a USO Show and yes there are adult beverages in the hands of those without weapons.
During Operation Nimrod Dancer, Task Force Roadrunner (built around C and D Companies of 1/61) included a LRS (Long-Range Surveillance) Team from D Company 105th Military Intelligence Battalion.